Bus out of town

I talk too much
and get beat down
with silence
a foolish pollyanna
a sucker for a kind word

from someone who can’t be bothered
with the emotional side of things
some women
are built for speed–
I was built for empathy

all fine and good at 20
with big plans
idealism anyone–
certain it would pan out
at some point

but giving up feels good
at this moment
forgetting dreams–
I can’t give you something
you won’t take

and you can’t accept what you see
as no more than a token
the love it represented
beat up and taking the bus
to warmer climates

9 thoughts on “Bus out of town

  1. You have completed the parabola of dreams and desires, the insistent rise before the quick descent downward, and the acceptance of it all. The symbolism of bus out of town puts a parting seal to the fate of the dreamer.

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