The shortest day of the year

I sit in the dark–eyeing the window
the sky still stark, the dozen odd
apples clinging to the tree out back, and
I am slow at preparing my coffee I.V.
that life-blood I cling to
as the sun presents itself;

It is slow coming, like me
the scent of coffee out of place in this darkness
the pillow calling back to me–‘linger a while’, and
my fingers on the keys, tapping along
while my family slumbers
and day takes its sweet time to show;

Then a glint of light says it is time
the finger of God across the sky speaking ‘patience’
for in time all will be revealed–
the plodding boots of winter, and the sun
that same star that brightens summer
will get in your eyes like every other day

quick, be in it!
before the sun
slips behind the clouds
to hide with the gold
like leprechauns


murmurs on the wind speak to me about homelessness
soft voices carry carry me homeward telling me about selfishness
the crowd growing and giving their causes voices
murmuring as the starlings cruise overhead
dipping and weaving and talking amongst themselves
about the mobs that form under their splendid canopy
hello I know you don’t I
goodbye do return again