sun beating down
flowers bloom
near summer ache
blue sky bloodied
it is dark here
so I wait
(not so)
for the light
of your
smile words company

Take our survey of older bloggers: how and why they blog

Would you be willing to take a survey for Rachel McAlpine? I took it, and it did not take long and was not painful at all.

Write Into Life

Please take the Older Bloggers’ Survey. People say it’s fun, and we hope it will lead to new policies and opportunities related to the ageing population. We have made assumptions, and now we want facts. We want to know how you blog, why you blog, when you started, and what you gain from blogging. You can do the survey no matter what your age, as long as you have your own blog.


Take the Older Bloggers’ Survey today on the popular SurveyMonkey website

cartoon of woman blogging See the lady blog. Blog, lady, blog!

Seniors with a personal blog: an unexamined sphere

We are part of a huge community of bloggers with an important role to play in the world. But who pays attention to us? All research into blogging seems to be focused on business blogs, but most of us are blogging for personal reasons.

  • We’re the first cohort to be getting old…

View original post 596 more words

Tantalizing Tuesday: Greta Garbo pt. 2

As we return this year to an older feature, ‘Tantalizing Tuesdays’, let’s finish our peek at the work of Greta Garbo we began in December.

Garbo young.jpg

I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said, ‘I want to be left alone.’ There is all the difference.

– Greta Garbo

Mesmerizing. When Greta Garbo is on the screen, it is her eyes I am seeking out, her many-faceted expressions that add so much more to the dialogue than just words. It is more than tactile, innate beauty. There are many people born, as some would say, ‘classically beautiful.’ But there was something else, something I cannot name, coming from inside her.

Continue reading “Tantalizing Tuesday: Greta Garbo pt. 2”

was it real?

don’t even joke
about red silk
when white cotton
has always been my downfall
(you didn’t know me)
running from temptation
a kid from the candy store

even though
we regret those things
we did not do
(I don’t believe you)
more than what we did
it is best
that you do not remember me

I can live without you, and
the memory of you
how you ate your way
through my belly
until you had devoured me